B Ball – fantastic glow, color specter!

Fantastic with the spirit of retro 80s computers game about how to throw little square in a wall. And, you, just imagine, after this, you get scores! So, that’s cool! And, by the way, it is, also, about science fiction! So, it is something indication, something flashing labels on the screen. And it is going process with counting your scores. Indication about what you hit. How much colors, you have collected. It is nice funny entertainment for an engineer in the evening. You finished all the things for today. And sit down and count colorful little cubes. Or for any other kind computer fan activity person. Sit down in the evening. Turn on lamp. Drink a tea. And start it,- to throw brick in the wall! But, it is everything virtual here!

By the way, it is not a little ball – and, it is rectangle. But, it is, anyway, as a ball – because, by its idea, it is a ball. Idea of the game – little ball throw in a little wall. To smash blocks. So, by the idea – it is, anyway, a ball, but it is rectangle. And virtual!

Programming - it is abstraction of data. And, here in a virtual world. It is possible to see objects different ways, they can to look like something a very different. And, ball can start to be, unexpectedly, as a square. It is depended from the idea. But, it is rather possible.

And, in this game, it will be 9 levels. Anyway, 9 not 10. Because of difficulty grows. And it is growing, that way, so I decide not to add level 10. 9 levels - it is more than enough! So. there is place here for some challenge. And random case. And, there is place for calm meditative game. Even, you can say, that it is boring for you! But, next time, at the next level – it is will funny and unpredictable! Themes are one after another.

It looks next. First level - it is simple these kind blocks and you smash them. Yes, in your side there are flying something in response. But, to avoid these little squares - it is not hard! They are mainly made - to make you move! And not to be at one position! Such enemies do not makes a problem. You simply shoot with little ball to all the blocks. And finish the level. You, even, can count this, as a very calm thing. So, yes, it is this way here. With this level.

Next, it goes same level. But, with one new condition. Here, it is flying 1 diagonal enemy. Simply, one new enemy. And, game is changes with dynamics. Look carefully for him! He will make you 100 percent of difficulty. It is hard to watch for diagonal object! He moves by diagonal. And with different speed. Different step with coordinates x and y, he has.

 So, you can watch for this! But, it flies with random way. Side way. And, it can hit like a sniper at you! But, it is just a random things, actually! But, it can happen! So, this element of the game makes it more complex to complete it. With so high difficulty – that, at more high level, I decide to give player more energy. To make player play it with not hard way, do not make him a problems. Or, just, make it poossible to complete it!

And, this way, levels are going one after another. First goes calm level, next goes with diagonal enemy! And, total 9 levels. Also, it is raises number of blocks for level. Lines. Which you need to hit. One line, two lines and so on.

Something about control. It has its own control way. And, as for me, I play more with < and >, less than with arrows. And, for sharpness - arrows are need only. To correct position with accuracy. Or, to move aside some points with [ and ].  And, so, mainly, dynamical games go with < and >. It is, also, so, retro effect. I remember, as in Mortal Kombat, it is some tricky for MS Dos, as it seemed to me. So, it was something, like it is not always with arrows even. Or with old games it can be, absolutely, without arrows. With letters - all control.



During the game

Q - for exit the game

Arrows left and right – move left and right with 1 pixel to correct position with a point accuracy.

< a and > - to move left and right with 50 pixels, dynamical move.

[ and ] – to move left and right with 25 pixels, also, dynamical move, but step is less.

Space – to throw a ball (rectangle)

And, all of these, are made as some fantastic sci fi. Colorful display. Everything is flashing. It goes some labels at the display. You hit 5 blocks with certain color. You receive some bonus. You upgrade your skill. Everything shows in real time at the display. It gives dynamics. And some fantastic sci fi points to the events on the screen.

Wow, maybe, a little more, and, it is possible to add a fantastic sci fi storyline! In some time before, I was very surprised, to hear that Arkanoid has storyline. That it is science fiction! What a surprise for me! You think, that Arkanoid - it is simple and stupid game about little ball and a platforms! And avoid this game! I more play in some more cool games! And, it has science fiction – it is already start to be interesting for me! It changes everything!

Interesting feature. In menu - it is shown your color specter. For current levels. And for all the game, everything you collect. There are, in game 16 colors. But blocks cannot be black. It is same as background. And, 16 colors. So, these 15 colors for blocks, they are shown here. You hit 100 blocks blue, 150 red, 200 yellow and so on. So, example, of a data you can collect. To the end of level 9.

Menu is simple. It is green. Once again. Retro effect. And as base code, it was game Platform Ball. Well, you can see it. I more pay attention to gameplay. And do not start to draw menus with pictures. So, it is retro text. And, it is, also, interesting! As in computer game Fallout 2,3, there were different green computers. Or with orange screens. So, by the way, your characteristics - it is your color specter! Such a  line! What you collect! And a color specter, that you have collected! 15 colors, by the way! It is not a jokes!

And, skills too. Your main game score. It is also, it is here. For sharpness - skill sharp shooter. And to smash blocks – destroyer. Sharp shooter – it is harder. You need to aim good and take a time for this. And destroyer - it is easier. You will get this by the gameplay itself. Plus, bonus system for more interest!

And, also, a label – diagonal territory! Imagine for yourself, that you fly somewhere with some device about science fiction ideas! And, so, it has at the screen warning for you! Attention! Diagonal territory! You are at the territory of diagonal! And, it is, so, fantastic element! And, diagonal block start to fly!  Wow!

Basic Pascal version 1.18 "Duckling" – most newest version. In this version there are 4 new games! Puddles at Countryside, Duckling Pseudo 3D, Road to Countryside, Duckling Goes 2D. And even more retro games! It is a pack of retro games with modern versions of Basic and Pascal.

It is now in development new version Basic Pascal pack games. This game will be included in a new version. 

Basic Pascal: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/games/basicpascal/index_eng.html

Website: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/home_eng.html

Itchio: https://dimalink.itch.io/basic-pascal


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