Platform Ball – it is more close to 80s computers
Little simple little game about rectangle and a little circle. You move a platform to the left and to the right. And you can to throw a circle from a platform. You are green. And circle is flying and catch platform at the top of the screen. You gain scores for this. As soon as you catch all platforms – you go for next level. Total 3 levels.
Game is something like retro. And here it is 16 colors. It is everything very simple. Game process is less then a five min. So, this kind of retro should to be, maybe, more close to real 80s computers. Platforms at the top - they are just standing. You need to catch them with a ball. You are green. And, platform at the top - they are different colors. At the first level – it is one line, at the second level - two lines. And at the third level – whole three lines. In every line – 10 platforms. Background - it is always black.
Control is simple in game – arrows left and right for move. Escape for exit. And you can throw a ball with a three directions. Ball is always goes with a straight line. It hit a wall and go back. You need to catch it, when it goes back. If you miss it – you left a 1 live. You have, as always, 3 lives.
Maybe, it is interesting, later, to do a game, where lives - they will be calculating another way. So, you can, also, throw a ball about a straight line – at the left, and at the right side from you. It is control with keys – A, Z – to throw at the left side. S, X – to throw a ball at he straight. And D, C – to throw a ball at the right from you. So this means A, S, D. Or Z, X, C. It is about how more comfortable for player.
Everything is so simple. And it is like this. It is a test game. Which is made with new dialect of programming language QBasic. It is BBC Basic for SDL2 (BBC BASIC for SDL 2.0). So, it is a memory event. It is excellent Basic, I like it! It is different from QB64. But it is a Basic.
It is a first game for a new plan about development games with Basic and Pascal. Plan is about to try different Basic. Different dialects of Basic. There are lots of them. I wanted this for a long time. And moment is now.
With this game, I try programming language BBC BASIC for SDL 2.0. How to write a function with it, how to make a video output, and everything I need for next usage of this programming language. Test of capabilities.
Program part
It is written with BBC BASIC for SDL 2.0. And it is selected graphic mode number 2. It is 16 colors. And resolution with 1280x1024.
Development state
Here we have two processes.
First – it is making a decoration and prepare for release a game pack Basic Pascal version 1.6. I still need to program at my website. About each game – a separate page. And next – to upload. It will be 4 new games – it is TRIA, Space KOVSH, Voidtriks, Planet UFO.
Second. It is, already, a development of a new games. By plan – “Different Basic”. Where I will try a different dialects of programming language Basic. And I start this process with little game Platform Ball. Game is programed in part of gameplay. But is till need to make a menus. To check, that everything works. And it will be done!
Have your excellent Basic day! Live long and prosper!
Basic Pascal pack - whole pack of games and programes, written with basic and pascal. It is retro.
With each game and program there is a page at author`s website. There are aditional information, descriptions, pictures, arts.
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