Microworm under the sun

Microworm under the sun

Microworm is get out from his hole and start to have fun about virtual sun. It was shining bright and very high. Worm starts to eat diskettes. There were lots of them here. And he has eaten them all. Disk were different – and five inches and three and a half inches.

Worm likes to have a walk in the roads of green. This is so fun – walk and eat disks, and also to walk here and there. Lots of bytes of information were eaten by microworm. Sun is shining! And so lots of green in this virtual world. So cool! Microworm thinks all this way.

Information gives lots of knowledge. And a trust into tomorrow`s day. Microworm using all his golden legs and runs as fast as he can in order to eat several more disks, which were fallen in virtual lands.

It were lots of disks, that’s so different. With computer game and usefull data. And all of this can be eaten! This is so fun! 

Something more

Short tales

This tale is written in terms of short tales about computer game MICROWORM. There are more tales on the website in section "Short tales". Full pack of stories. 

Short tales about MICROWORM are here: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/games/microworm/shortTales_eng.html


It is slow walking with cycling process of collecting diskettes in labyrinth. For relax, monotonous game. About computer life on motherboard.

Game is free. Download you can from different platforms (Itchio, GameJolt, Google Drive, Yandex Disk).

Game`s website: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/games/microworm/index_eng.html

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