Microart and videos

So,this is Microworm art article. Also it is a pack of videos. Videos with gameplay. The game itself is very peacefull. Give peace a chance, like John Lennon sings. So, game is with 3 episodes. Episode 3 is about New Years event. And you can play any episode you like.


A little art about videogame. Microworm - possible most peacful game. All you do is walk and collect diskettes.

And some more peacful images.
So, it is interesting to look at something, sometimes.
At something cool! Really cool!
And it is peacful!!!

Oh, one more! It is about computers. Cpu, memmory blocks, video, chips, all this all difficult.
But it is not dificult for microworm. And it is no dificulties in this videogame.

All you need, is to collect disks, And avoid computers citizens.

So, here are some images. In order to feel it more interesting. Different images.
So, something is about New Years day! Does not matter is it early, or late for New YEars day!

Videos with gameplay

This is the thing that, i need to do at first.  But i finished this video only right now. So, in this videos you can see how to play it. All 3 episodes are here. See it for yourself! And give a peace a chance!

Intro and menus

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Give peace a chance!

Get Microworm

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