Microworm – how I get the idea?


Microworm – how I get the idea?

About the game

First of all, let me say some words about, what is it this Microworm. This is not very complex, simple videogame about collecting items. You play as mechanical creature, which lives on a motherboard and this creature is collecting diskettes. This is fairy-tale about computer theme. This means, that you walk the labyrinth and collect disks, like in Pacman. But here there are no enemies, or there are few of them and they are not very dangerous.


This videogame is made by Godot engine. For me, as a developer, this is unusual case. As a rule, I made everything using programming language C. And this time I decided to make something simple, using well-known game engine. I choose Godot. Because of this engine is well-known and pretty good. You can make 2d games, using it. And one more point – it has some funny robot as a logo.


After I make a choice about engine, than I start to think how to play it. I have some interest in Pacman. Simple arcade. But I wanted to do everything by myself. This means, to change pacman videogame in my own way. And I start to watch what is a Pacman. It has some labyrinth. And you need to collect items. It has some ghosts, which you need to avoid. This was a starting point.

Next, I go for a fantasy. All levels are labyrinths. With the aim of peaceful collecting. So, you have multi-screen levels. Remove enemies. Saying more certain, they are exist here, but not everywhere, and they are not so dangerous. They are slow. And, at last, not every level has enemies. This is not main thing. Saying good, they are creature who lives here on a pcb, creature like player.

Enemies are not important here. This is already difference. And, one more, here is aim for collecting. Here the main things – are walk and collect. No need to run. Walk slow, with the board laid out, collect disks. I draw diskettes a lot. They are different by form and color. This is main feature of the game.


All the things I draw by myself. Manually. Every disk, all trees and everything you see. I spent on these lots of time. Because of, I cannot draw pixel art in those time.

I draw a lot. With perseverance. Here you can see different diskettes of different form-factors. 3.5 inches, and others. With a different colors. Different trees, plants, fence. And all is computerized! As a special thing, I need to say, that game has 3 episodes. And last episode in about New Year!

Peaceful and kind

All the things above – they are aspects of technical character. To try engine, draw different sprites. Think about how to play it. And very necessary point – it is peaceful and kind idea. I wanted to create a peaceful and kind game. Almost without enemies. Game without dynamic. About some peaceful creature. Who lives in a computer and collecting disks. Something computerized and kind. In an artistically idea it is main thing.


As soon, as I finished first demo, I get an idea. To make some continue. In a way, that I draw many sprites and not all of sprites I included into the game. And even more I get the idea, to make continue, after I finished the game. Game was released some years ago. And dream still exists. To make some additional levels. In order to show all sprites, I draw.

About sprites, when I write these strings now, I understand that even if I don’t use all sprites in game. But they are made all in one style. And I don’t organize them. In idea what I used and what I don’t use. But this article is dedicated to the idea and some aspects of development. I think that in case, of creating new levels, I need to draw everything again. And organize things this time.

I think that this game is good for those, who want to simple walk on levels, in order to collect items. Maybe you are office worker, or you are boring, or in depression and you don’t want to play actions. Or just want to collect items.

Have everybody a good day! Don’t be fast! (I mean, game is slow)

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