Basic Pascal version 1.18 “Duckling”

4 more games new for collection., 4 new games Quaсk-quaсkie things! Two games about a duckling and two about a countryside. So, a summer theme. Such a thematical issue for this time. So that’s why it has a name – Duckling. Code name, magic word for this version - Duckling. Countryside and summer and funny yellow duckling! Big and small! Different! So, first time here I try to make a realization of quest idea. With a format - search for items.

And here it is such a positive about a game theme! About a mood! And a game about a duckling – big and pseudo three dimensional! So, it is certain, this way, a name for a game! A big one quackie creature runs with the half of the screen size and collecting little duckling-coins at the level. And after this game it is idea about this game plan. Last game - again – once again – it is something like make a finish for a plan – again theme of duckling. But, two dimensional. So, a cool funny stylization! You are running and jumping!

And two game about a countryside in the middle. Quest. Let`s go to countryside! By bus, by train. Go across the field. Collect little flowers. And, already, you are at your countryside place. It was a little raining. Walk and avoid puddles. Such a walk in a refreshing day after a rain.

Game plan itself was finished at very end, at the last two weeks of 2024 or a weeks before 2024 ends. And to make a release of Basic Pascal pack itself -  this thing is happening now! Big positive joyful event of developer in 2025 year!

With this version, I go back again to very good thing, I know – programming language – Qb64. Modern of version QBasic. Same QBasic with blue screen for Ms Dos. As blue as Norton Commander (Volkov Commander for someone).

So, let`s faster move to games themselves! With these 4 new games – Puddles at the Countryside, Duckling Pseudo 3D, Road at Countryside, Duckling Goes 2D.


 Puddles at the Countryside

Just imagine, that it is now a summer. And, maybe, it a summer as a real thing. Such a green and grown up sunny summer. And, it was a little raining. Well, strong one. And long. And, it is so refreshing at the street. Until the hot weather is not returned. There is some refreshing cold at the street. So, little birds are singing. And, slowly, it is getting warmer. And, at the streets they are themselves – puddles. And you are at the countryside. Or, at the village for weekend. And, go for a walk. Yes, simple, to have a walk. To walk a little someway, any place.

And, so, here you go. Around the countryside place. And little houses. And trees. And puddles before you! Your goal – it is not get wet! Just go around the puddles! It is all you need to do here. Go and bypass puddles.

Bright, good and kind summer and sunny game. About theme of positive. Countryside. Summer. And puddles. What can it be after rain.

By the way, when it was? When it was such a raining summer raining? June? July? And, maybe, was it day or evening? So, here, there are, something like, 4 episodes, 4 types of game.  They are different with visual part. June day. June evening. July day. July evening. Game idea – it is all the same. But, little different colors palette. Sky and ground. They are different colors. And it plays all the same.

Little game, of course, it is not difficult. It is not fast even. For positive – it is ok. For relax. For a mood. For a countryside theme.  You are moving at the screen with arrows forward and backward. Up and down. And, just, you are moving by screen. Something like, it is isometrical view. And, you, simply, need to avoid puddles. Bypass puddles. There is dry indicator. When you get yourself in the puddle – percent goes down. You need to be dry! So, yes, bypass puddles!

And, such a little human – main hero. He is little dancing. He is having some fun. Of course, this is a summer walk after the little of raining. He is dressed little warmer. And with a joyful mood is going to the street. For a walk.

Color palette here is about 16 colors. And screen resolution is 320 x 200. My standard selection. Simple game for positive! First game in this game plan, which has a name – Duckling. Game sets a mood. To all the game plan. Summer and countryside! Positive!

 Duckling Pseudo 3D

This is, maybe, most amazing game in this version, about a big duckling. And it is not about a huge duckling. Most big duckling in the world. Which is have a funny run across the summer field. Once again, it is countryside theme, summer, good mood. And good and kind animals. Duckling. Good and kind and big duckling. Runs. Doing quack. And collects duckling-coins.

There is different nature environment. Which you are running though. It is all the time - field, but different. Water and swamp. Grass and soil. And duckling has a lots of summer joyful things to do, lots of summer runs. And, all you need, to do - collect duckling-coins. They are rather huge. And quack-quack! Duckling can speak. He speaks with you. Quack-quack! And when you get a duckling-coin – then, again, quack-quack, you can to hear. Big duckling can run to the left and to the right.

There are, also, a bonus levels. So, there is, already, running a small quackie creature. Such small such yellow duckling. And in compare with big one, he can run, also, to the top and to the down by screen. And he collects little coins too.

Just imagine, what expanse for duckling. For big and small one, in summer at the field. And field is different. So, grass. So, little water. To bring little legs in the water in a hot day. It is grass, all around.  And water is flowing. Or, after the rain, to have a run. And, here a gray soil. Road. By the road, some far it goes. Run at the up, duckling is running upper and upper. He is good and kind and joyful. Joyful.

This game is, again, about good and kind animals. Such a constant theme. About a duckling, once again. Big and small. This duckling gives name to this game pack version. Duckling. Good and kind little animals are very friendly and, also, you can be a friend with them. Go to a field and you can see them there! So, now, you know about a duckling!

In this game, there is, also, in use a pseudo three dimensional effect.  And, there are sounds. Duckling quack-quack. There is game menu. So, you can turn off sounds.

And, so, you can run as a big duckling. To the left and to the right. And, mainly, he runs by himself. And collect duckling-coins. They have such name because of it is drawn a duckling at the coins. When you play with small duckling, then you, also, can to run up and down. And, also, collects little duckling-coins. Game is joyful! And with sound. Quack-quack!


Road to Countryside

It is summer again. It is time to go to the countryside. Theme for the game – it is road to the countryside. Such a whole adventure. It is good to pack all the things. Take a bag. Take a ball, you can play with it. To put on cap. And go to the road. To take a place in a bus. To take place in train. It is a long road. From the city to the countryside region, it is a long road. You can drink a little water. To drink soda. And to listen cool music. Disco or rock.

And when you left the train. So, you need to pick up flowers. Take a branch. And collect some little bushes by the road, to put them on your countryside place. Yes, a country house dude has lots of things to do. Even more, you can take a joyful funny bug by the road! He, also, will live at your country house!

Game is with genre quest. Based on early quests for MS Dos. Or something like search for items. Such early quests, where it is a picture. And few, only few colors are in use to draw everything. Little houses. All game situations.

And this game is made out of pictures. At every picture you need to take several items. Three or two or four. For example. And at the top it is a window with text. Where it is told the story. And what you need to do! Simple game about interest. And first quest. Again, countryside and summer little days! It is time for a countryside! It is adventure! Road to the countryside – it is a big thing.

Game is not hard at all. And all the items, which you need to find, they are written in a list. Plus, it is a story about a countryside. Joyful not fast such a game.

You need here to move a mouse all over the screen and do clicks at the objects. So, this way you will interact with them. Most of all, you just need to find them and that’s all. Do click at the objects. And in a text, it will be list of what you need to click!

Joyful story about a country house dude. And game by pictures.


Duckling goes 2D

Again, little animals. Again, duckling. Not as a small words, version has a name duckling. It is real duckling. So, here it is, again, duckling, nice to meet! Again, field. And, now, it is two dimensional, side view. Game runner.

You are such funny and creative duckling. So, here it is, also, you are running by fields, but, with side view. And new graphics style. And lots of levels with field. Heap of levels about field. So, here it is, a day and night. You run by field day and night. And, all you need to do – it is run and press button space to jump.

Little creative graphics. And interesting graphics style. Day and night – levels are made with same decorations. Except one thing – night – it is same day, but, only, with shapes. And without fill the color.

Again, here we have field and summer. And, again, it is closing the plan of development with a game about duckling. Now, it is easy to get that duckling - it is very serious! And they are about good and kind animals – it is, also, very valuable! Little animals and ducklings! Quack-quack!

Game has a feature. It is a surface incline. And, it can be more or less. At the more later levels – incline is getting bigger. And this feature makes this game unusual!

And, it is so interesting in the field – that ducklings are rushing and running and in the day and in the night. They are having fun with several shifts. You are running as a bigger duckling. Not so big as in a pseudo three dimensional game. But, so, bigger duckling. And, at your direction, lots of smaller ducklings are running. And, your goal is not to crush into them. And jump over them. In any other things, it is standard simple variation of game runner. And jumping thing!

Everything you need to do here – it is in time press space button. And to watch for a surface incline. Before first paw of a duckling to jump. When obstacle is near him. About a first little paw. Such orientation. Heap of fields view. With different decorations. Wow, field, field! It is so good in the summer in the field and day and night!


Plan Duckling

One more release, new version – it is event for a developer. And for me too. So, I can remember some development process. So, for this time it was smooth. And a little, I can say, something like, experienced. Again, Qb64. So, it is so good to return to this blue screen again. Already, as a more experienced programmer with Basic.

From something interesting, I apply sound in QB64 game. Duckling runs and doing quack. Such a new feature. Well, in previous version BP – for the very first time, I try sound, as a sound. So, here it is, first Qb64 game with sound applied. Duckling quack!

Development is going by plan. Rather smooth. Medium tempo. Maybe, evenm it was not bad, as I can say! In terms of my possibilities. It is positive. And about a process about decoration and publish – I, already, make a delay, for some time. Decoration of BP version and to publish it to network – It is already in 2025, so 2025. But, it is, also, a positive event! Development ends in end 2024, and a version with all these games were released in 2025!

Ahead, it is a new games! And they are, already, are in development! And, this is, again, it is about in terms of a new version for Basic Pascal pack.

This version has a name by plan name – Duckling. Such a super positive theme. About a big duckling. And small one too. While I was in development -I often to remember a countryside. My countryside season, summer season 2024. Excellent summer 2024. Just super! Such a true hot summer! And several times, I get under the little rain! Summer was excellent! So, this is a such positive theme.

Have your excellent Basic day!

Basic Pascal version 1.18 "Duckling" – most newest version. In this version there are 4 new games! Puddles at Countryside, Duckling Pseudo 3D, Road to Countryside, Duckling Goes 2D. And even more retro games! It is a pack of retro games with modern versions of Basic and Pascal.

It is now in development new version Basic Pascal pack games. This game will be included in a new version. 

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