Duckling Pseudo 3D – by field and shallow river
Game is about joyful duckling, which is running across the field. So, big and yellow duckling, which runs by the field. It shakes with little wings. And, one thing, he does not doing here - it is jumps. And he runs forward and collects little coins. Such little circles, and they have a drawing with little duckling! Game is about to collect scores. And for free time and good mood. Theme of a good and kind animals, one more time!
So, one time, idea of the game, came into my head, idea of a game, where a big duckling at the half of the screen. And such a yellow. He runs, something like this. And view from the back. Something like pseudo three-dimensional plane. Spirits Space Harrier or more simple, but, this kind of type. Duckling is so big and yellow. He shakes with little wings. Maybe, he has a good mood for today. And for, every day, always. Everyday is like this. He run across the field. Across the little grass. Across, the little water, swamp, earth. He runs through bush, little grass. Runs by small stones. Everyplace, we see a running yellow duckling, here and there, he is everywhere. Also, it is in my head, some graphics with three dimensional pictures from mode 5 for game console Super Nintendo. And, this is straight continue for theme good and kind little animals.
Game with screen mode 7 with programming language Qb64. It is 16 colors and 320 at 200 screen resolution. Picture consists of graphics primitives. Circle, line. And painted with one of the colors. Visual side can look strange a little, arthouse. Or normal. So, it goes this way, I start to make it, and have such a result about visual. I draw for some time objects, I use imagination to create elements of visual state. And use certain this possibilities – 16 colors and line and circle, out of this all the game is made.So, how nice for duckling to run there. It happens, that there is under the feet some little water, not deep. Or field with grass. Duckling can run across the bush, even like this. So, he is like he is - duckling! Big and yellow. Of course, here it will be a field with grass. To run by field and grass – it is most good thing, main thing, thing you need.
Of course, everything starts in a field. Run across the field. Bright weather. Good and so big field around. There are lots of green grass! And, later, already, it is going a different levels. And darker one. And with little of water. So, like shallow little water, or dark soil. Levels with different color tones. But, main, – idea – run by field.
And, around, there are lots of grass! So, you can imagine how interesting all of these for duckling. To run though grass and to see what is forward, at the horizon! So, it is there - a whole adventure! So, it is easy to say, across all over the world! For duckling – field and everything, that is around – it is a whole world, indeed. Whole planet. Where duckling lives!
Duckling runs by himself, automatically. It is like runner. And with a third person view. And with arrows left and right – you control the moves by screen. And, you need to collect such a big coins. It is, also, drawn a duckling at this coins. This is a game score. So, it is all you need to do here.
Imagine for yourself, a good summer weather. And duckling, which wakes up in the morning and start to run at the field! So, this is a game idea. There are different levels here. They are different with background. And, I draw a lot of different colorful grass. Green – it is grass. Brown - it is bush. Black circles or colorful circles – it is stones. Not big colorful beautiful little stones in water. I remember, how at the countryside, I like to search these little stones in a shallow river.
Once again, theme of a game, again about a countryside. But, not from the eyes of a countryside dude, and by the ducklings eyes. He is, of course, can be small. And, he can to run and he can to swim. But, he is, someway, also, big. Someway. And grass for him – it is a whole forest. And field - it is a world. So, it is interesting look at the outdoors.
So, in this game, again, once again, there will be no enemies, that’s why, space button at the gameplay itself is not in use. Only two arrows – left and right. And duckling run automatically. Somewhere forward! After the funny joyful little sun! He runs forward! And theme, again, of a good and kind little animals, summer countryside positive, forest, field, little shallow river, little shallow water, stones.
So, it is everything, it is so bright. That’s why, it has such a visual decorations, visual look! All around is colorful. Few, only 16 colors. And, lots of these, at the every level. Levels has their own colorful solutions. Some levels are dark. Some levels are bright, Light day, sun. Dark level - it is or in shadows or when clouds at the sky. Before raining. So, it has full diversity, lots of variations for duckling.
Duckling is animated. He shakes with little wings. He moves his legs. And, all the time, he is on the run. Game is about good and kind animals. And positive.
Have your excellent Basic day!
Basic Pascal version 1.17 "BLOCK" – most newest version. In this version there are 4 new games! Platform Ball, Cabin Pilot, Free Blocker, Free Bee. And even more retro games! It is a pack of retro games with modern versions of Basic and Pascal.
It is now in development new version Basic Pascal pack games. This game will be included in a new version.
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