Basic Pascal version 1.17 “Block” - Block after block, little cube after little cube!

31 October 2024 year, it is, again, to happen a little celebration! Yesterday, just yesterday, it was a Halloween. And, it is nice to watch a horror movie. Such a celebration to remember about a vhs cassette or creepy game. And, today, – it is new day – at the exam, like it is a celebration. It is, already, more positive. Day of knowledge. Day of programming. Day of release a new version!

In a short, about that period of time. So, it was a first time, I become brave. And, try different dialects of Basic. Once, again, I suggest whole 4 videogames, written with programming language Basic. But different dialects. First time, I try BBC Basic for SDL 2 and Free Basic. And take into account, that second one I, already, use with text editor GVim for writing code! So, it is, someway, like day of knowledge and learning for me! Celebration day! It is not an empty words, that I write – for exam like it is a celebration day! Every release – it is a celebration day for me! It is a celebration of programming and intelligence!

I bravely try a different Basic. Before this, I sit very heavy with certain one Basic – it is QB64. And, I have a fear to try something new! And, now, I become brave!

Code name for this version – Block. Block structure. Block, building block. Element by element, block by block. So, this way everything can be done. Even more, that first little game with programming language Free Basic – game has a title Free Blocker. So, it is a block! Super word for this version!

About development – I will write – but, in the end. And, now, for most important part, Id like to go – short description of every game. 4 new games. And, main, attention to them!

Platform Ball

This is simple game about little cubes. With blocks. You move platform left and right. And throw a ball. To break a little cubes ( blocks ) at the top. They are stands in a row. With one row. With two rows or with three rows. So, it is like three such levels. You can throw a ball with a straight line or from the left, or from the right from you. It is such a game feature. And, in everything else – it is a game about a blocks or platforms. About a ball.

Everything is made with several colors. Cubes (blocks) - different colors. Colors are made with random way.

It can be said, that it is a platformer – because of game about a platforms. Or blocker. Game is about blocks, little bricks, little squares. Also, it is, maybe, something a little about Arkanoid. You throw a ball in a platforms (blocks) at the top. And gain a score for this!

Maybe, these kind of games can to be at the computers of 80s years. 16 colors. Background – black. Different colors blocks. And you throw a ball. Which is flying with the straight line. And, one more, by the way, you need to catch it back. Or, you will lost a one live. If you not to catch a ball. And in total, by classic – whole three lives.

Game is about scores. Three levels. First probe of programming language BBC Basic for SDL2. Simple game, most simple game, to have some relax, I can to say. As it can be said – less than a 5 minutes.

Cabin Pilot

This is arcade and pseudo simulation format with style of 80s bit computers, something like Spectrum 48K, or BBC Micro. Or Soviet 8 bit computers, which were like Spectrum 48K, for example Sintez 2.

You are a pilot of a space avenger. With a spirit like it shows in old movies by Star Wars. For example, episodes 4, 5, 6. View from a cabin. You are going to world tour by different planets. As a pilot of a space avenger. And you will fly across the different planets.

It is a game action genre. Action. At the different planets. Shooting from a laser and maneuvers in the air – all you need to do here.

Game will show to you most different planets. Planet ocean, planet jungles, planet with plains and planet desert. They all are different from each other by background color.

It is goes as a shooter game with a cabin view. Pseudo simulation, I can say. Crash enemies space ships. And rockets. Enemies, by the way, can to shoot at you too – so don’t be too lazy! And you have a laser – your trustworthy friend. And, it requires reloading. You shoot at once with a burst. And, later you need a little to wait. So, make aiming carefully.

Game has a storyline. And description with planets. And even a little enciclopedia.

By storyline it is a science fiction action movie. So here, there are two episodes. Each one has a story. And plus to this – enciclopedia. It is as a several pages. You turn one page after another one. There is a little picture. And description for all the enemies, which you will meet in the game. Enemies avengers, enemies rockets. Everything is described in this enciclopedia.

And, now, lets move to a valuable part. It is a storyline. In a first episode. You are a pilot rookie. Which is going to his first tour. Everything starts at the planet ocean. You are going to your first patrol. And meet, already, a some resistance, at once. Enemy rockets. And hostile space avengers. Story with a style of science fiction action movie from a pilots side. And, the second mission, it is going a rocket attack. And you need to destroy these rockets. Such a big huge rockets. Something like ballistic rockets. So, you have lots of things. You will visit a different planets. At the planet desert, planet jungles. Everyplace has some story behind. You will see these planets. And get to know about what is going on. To be at the pilots skin from a first person view, a pilot of a space avenger. But, it is not so easy. One thing is good – that this game is not difficult, and it is only a computer game, programmed by a programmer with Basic.

Planet desert. So, here, it is ancient world, for example. And star fighters are everywhere here. So, these are the things. In this endless world of sand. So, next you move to next planet. It is planet jungle. And it has its own story. So, this is a tour for a pilot. For a space fighter.

For a second episode. You are, already, experienced pilot. And, at once, you are goes into real action, some things to do. Only one planet. And, at once, very hard going things. At once, a frontline. And no training. Very hard situation. And you are sent to attack. And in defense side. Counter attack. And, even, by story, it is very hard. Story has a text form.

Idea for a game was in ahead for a long time. At first, very long time ago, I see in a network a game screens for little game Spitfire Command. There it was a theme Second World War. Game is for simple 8 bit computer BBC Micro. Something like Spectrum 48K. And it has few colors. And, everything is schematical. But, it plays as a simulation and arcade of avenger from Second World War. I was very impressed about such game concept! So, think to do something like that, but my own way, of course!

Second part of the idea. Part of inspiration. It is a movie. Star Wars episode 6. It is, simply, unbelievable science fiction action movie. About a space, space avengers, princess from stars, lasers, and different planets. Whole space! With a science fiction vision! Planet forest, it was very a lot, in a memory, with a crazy, out of the head, star fighters there. And a big trees, for example.

It is, already, second game, written with programming language BBC Basic for SDL2. So, here it is everything more cool and lots of stuff here!

Free Blocker

Little interesting such a little game about blocks. Little bricks, cubes. It is simple with its idea. As arcade. You move left and right. And with space you catch a blocks. You eat little bricks. Everything is made rather simple. Random way it is a set for a background. And you move little square or left or right or at the middle. In total three positions for you. And you catch blocks, which are going on at you from the top.

Or, maybe, they are falling? Or, you are flying by a interspace tunnel. Or, is it everything in space? Is it a road? Highway, track? It is everything made with simple graphic style. Or like blocks (little bricks) and background. Abstract everything is made.

Little game is abstract. About a little squares, little cubes and little bricks. Block, as I call it here. It is made with vertical format.  A narrow strip. And different colors blocks at the your side. Different backgrounds are here. And pay attention there is a funny point – ahead 55 levels awaits you. Yes, levels, of course, are short, about for several tens of seconds. 30 seconds, 40 seconds for a level. But, there are lots of them in exchange! About a different level, it is going on a different situations. Somewhere, there  are few of blocks, someplace, they are slow or fast. And, somewhere, there are lots of blocks, at once.

Game about blocks. Something like a shooter type shmup, something like a Tetris. Game about a blocks. As main idea. In a tunnel. A narrow vertical line.

Game with something, again, reminds a first game – Platform Ball. Well, at the part of, here, also, there are little squares, platforms, blocks. Well, this idea, I think, with this idea, it is easy to start and to try everything. Little squares, blocks. A comfort form for make calculations and do drawing.

By the way, game title – Free Blocker, it goes after main ideas. Game is about blocks (little squares). And it is written with programming language Free Basic. And you are, also, a block. So, here everything is a blocks. You are a blocker, looks like this. And catch another blocks with help of space and you gain scores. Anyway, ahead there are 55 levels! Short, but lots of them! Interesting attitude for a game software!

And, this is, already, a first game written with programming language Free Basic. Excellent language! True good Basic. And, also, I write a code with a text editor GVim. And, it is unbelievable success personally for me, in a terms of learning programming and practice in programming. It is editor of text – almost, like operational system or frontier type of Norton Commander. And Free Basic – excellent and comfortable form of Basic.

Free Bee

Game is about a funny and joyful little bee! Sprites picture. Funny pictures. Pair of funny sounds. And you are flying forward at the day or evening. And collect fruits. Avoid another bugs. Funny sounds and sprite, positive good and kind graphics – these are features for this game. And, mainly, game is simple. You are, simply, fly forward. Free movement across the screen using keys. All 4 keys are active here. Up, down, left and right.

Little bee is funny and good and kind. And it speaks – bzzz! Little bee is flying! What a beautiful summer day! What a funny little day! Game is about a summer. And positive joyful mood! It is very good and kind summer game! For positive mood! Make a smile! Little bee says Bzzzz! Bzzzz!

So, this is a simple summer fun. Summer fun time. You are flying by levels forward. It is arcade or runner. And collect fruits. And avoid bugs. That’s all! And, main – it is your good mood! Little positive! Bzzzz! Game has two modes. Something like two episodes. Day and evening. Everyone has 2 not long levels. And, that’s all! Sounds in game can be turned off from main menu.

Summer and a little bee. Bright blue sky. Everything is so excellent and cloudless! So, this is a theme for a little game. Interesting story for the idea for this little game. It is a stickers to the little orange and little mandarin. Such little circle form of a sticker. And, there are a stickers of the firms. Imagine, at the big orange or little smaller, such orange mandarin – whole little oval circle form for a sticker.  With a good and kind little picture. As a rule. So, I run into such a fruit. With a sticker, with a picture of a little bee, beautiful and a drawn blue sky. And, later, I see a sticker with mandarin itself. And, later, appears a sticker with a green apple, such a picture. At the apple, should to be. Mainly, I collect such kinds a things and put them into standalone little textbook. For a positive! So, this is my good and kind hobby! And that is the way it appeared idea for a little game!

I think, all the time, that good and kind little games – it is a very valuable! And, I have a theme of a little games about a good and kind little animals. Good and kind little animals!!! Whole theme for me. So, this is one more game in a cycle of a good and kind animals.

Just, simply, fly forward in excellent day or evening. It is about your choice. Collect fruits. And avoid other little bugs. They are flying at your direction. And they have their own things to do. They are not evil. Absolutely, that’s for sure, absolutely. Simple, they fly by their own things. And, they are very busy with this. Funny sounds are in game! Bzzz! First level excellent goes for a search of a positive vibrations! Game, of course, is not difficult! What purpose little bee needs hard things? In a such excellent summer day or evening? ( As you select! They are like episodes). First level, anyway, is more simple. And second one is harder. It has more of bugs, which are flying at your side. Game is about summer and positive! Bzzzz!

I am a little bee, little bee and I am flying!! Bzzzz! Funny such a flying bug. Black and yellow. Bzzz!

It is, already, a second game, written with programming language Free Basic. With usage of text editor GVim. And, first time, I write here with sprites. And with sounds.



And a little about different Basic

Development plan for this version has a name - Different Basic. I try different Basic. It was the idea. First time, I go aside from a things I was very attached to. It is QB64. Very cool and modern Basic. But, there are lots of dialects of Basic. There are lots of them! And I start to be interesting! And what else exists and how does it looks? And I start to search. Some of Basics are old, some – something else. I search for something, that has rather modern versions. And it is still in updates, with support of developers. I find two dialects. It is BBC Basic for SDL 2 and Free Basic. And, I do two games for each of them. First one is more simple and second one is more complex and more interesting.

So, two basics – it is, already, excellent start for a plan. Saying more, it is good to learn each of them. To see unexpected things. Last my experience – it was only QB64. And I need to have first new experience, get the ideas how it works. That’s why first game is more simple. And about a little cubes! Little cubes - it is a building element, block!

Both new Basics – I like them a lot! And, of course, – I will to use them in a future projects! Brave step was done. And, it is very interesting and right way direction. Something to learn, to practice. And, after to expanse sphere with something similar. Rather wise step. So, here it is with Basic!

Have your excellent BASIC day!

 Basic Pascal version 1.17 "BLOCK" – most newest version. In this version there are 4 new games! Platform Ball, Cabin Pilot, Free Blocker, Free Bee. And even more retro games! It is a pack of retro games with modern versions of Basic and Pascal.

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Nov 06, 2024

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