Tria – Pseudo 3d space fighter
Tria – Pseudo 3d space fighter
Tria – simple space shooter. Idea of the game – it is a simple space shooter. Pseudo three dimensional. And everything is made with black and white visual. With white lines space ships are drawn, stars and lasers. And black color of space. Also, game, of course, is made with impressions after a movie, that I saw recently, it is Star Wars Episode 6. From 80s. Retro sci fi theme.
There is even a whole text screen. With a story. Princess of Stars is against Dark Lord. New strike against Dark Lord. Hope plus one for galaxy about a positive future. Dark Lord has his crusader march over the galaxy. And you are a space ranger. With fast space ship TRIA. It is something like airplanes Mirage, F16, Mig 29. But in space.
In anything else, it is a space shooter. In compare with other my games in Basic Pascal – it is rather dynamical. But, it plays as easy game. Five game levels. And three types of weapons. Idea of the game - it is to make simple space shooter. It is a long time dream. It should to be thing like this for lots of developers. But according – the things, how they goes. I put everything in pseudo three dimensional view, and add a story. And there is some diversity. So absolutely simple space shooter – one more to be lately. Later. To be - simple for sure.
Game process has one moment. And you can not to pay attention to it. It is types of weapons. You have a whole three of them. It can be change using buttons 1,2,3. And game has 5 levels. And for every level you have your own pack of weapons. For example, for some level it can be a weapon 2 and 3. And it is not a random case.
Things is that, game has a three types of enemies. Fast enemy, which shoot with first types of weapon. Second enemy type - medium – shoots with second weapon type. Third enemy type – big – shoots with third weapon type. And enemy has always a 6 points of shields. And this shield can be easily broken through with 1 shot, if to shoot the right type of laser. You can see what type of enemy, enemy use. And to shoot with him the same type, it is like a tip.
So, this means, light enemy – it is first laser, medium - it is second laser, heavy enemy – it is third laser. Shooting like that, you will always destroy enemy with one shot. If to shoot with not right type of weapon. Then every shot will take 2 damage points. This means, to destroy enemy, you need whole three shots.
Such a game trick is for more interest and for some mystery. Such a space effect. Retro effect. As a some more points, I mark a schematical graphic decorations. With white lines. Just like it is retro computer. I do it on purpose. And little more – it is like pseudo three dimensional visual effect. All space ships reminds a triangles, as a view. In anything else – at the background it is a schematical space with stars.
Game has a simple control. To the left and to the right you move. And you cannot to go beyond the screen. You are stuck in a corner. And shoot - with space. Change weapons – buttons 1,2,3. Game exit with button Q.
Most interesting theme – it is space and flight in space with space ship. Which is looks like triangle. And something like retro computer schematical scene with fighter flight from Star Wars. Something like episode 4,5,6. Also a retro release of Star Wars, if to watch. Retro computers – also it is a theme. And as for me, I like a lot this idea, to make everything in several colors. For example, with 2 colors. With white and black background. And, it is one more thing, it is goes good for space.
You are space ranger. And you are in a patrol. You need to destroy enemy ships. And you have whole three lives. Each shot of enemy – takes one point of shield. You can do maneuvers to the left and to the right. And imagine you are a pilot of fighter from Star Wars. In something like 70s or 80s, maybe, it should to be as a super class theme. And, now, only a retro theme, theme of space shooter and a simple game.
Theme of sci fi, retro sci fi, retro future. As a retrowave, but in a form of a little game. It is written with programming language QB64. And, it is also good to go to show a theme of retro future. I like a lot to program with Basic.
Right now, game is almost complete. It is everything programmed. All intro, menu, game process, everything is already done. And, I can say game is complete. But, I need to check everything several times. And to make game menu a little more interesting. Right now, they are – as a few words on a screen. For example, Level 1. And that’s all. In a left corner it is written. At least, to put it in a center. I do not plan to make menus diversity. But, at least to move labels in a center. And, that’s all, game is done!
So, in fact, that game is already complete. Reason, that I do not put time into menu – it is a simple space shooter. And I spent time with drawing space ships. That’s why menus will be in a simple white text at the black background.
This game will be in the new version of pack Basic Pascal. It will be released – a new version of Basic Pascal – as soon as I collect several made games. For example, three new games will be done. And they will be in a new version of pack Basic Pascal. Tria – it is first new game for this new version Basic Pascal.
Basic Pascal pack - whole pack of games and programes, written with basic and pascal. It is retro.
With each game and program there is a page at author`s website. There are aditional information, descriptions, pictures, arts.
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